
Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating: A Practice for Nourishing the Body and Mind In our fast-paced world, meals are often rushed affairs, eaten on the go or in front of screens, with little attention paid to the food or the act of eating. This lack of mindfulness not only diminishes our enjoyment of food but also impacts our […]

The Struggle Switch

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy that encourages individuals to embrace their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting against them. Within ACT is the concept of “The Struggle Switch,” which refers to the tendency to resist or struggle against unwanted thoughts, emotions, or experiences. This concept plays a crucial role in […]

Person-Centred Counselling: Empowering Growth and Healing

Counselling is often seen as a journey of self-discovery and healing, a process that aims to support individuals through difficult times and empower them to make positive changes in their lives. One approach that has gained significant recognition for its effectiveness is Person-Centred Counselling. Developed by psychologist Carl Rogers in the 1940s and 1950s, Person-Centred […]

5 Tips for Starting and Maintaining a Mindfulness Practice

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from ourselves. Mindfulness offers a powerful antidote, helping us cultivate a sense of presence and inner peace. Whether you’re new to mindfulness or looking to deepen your practice, these five tips can help you get started and stay committed. Starting and maintaining a mindfulness […]

Workplace Burnout: Recognising the Signs and Taking Action

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environments, burnout has become a prevalent issue affecting employees across industries. Burnout is more than just feeling tired or stressed; it’s a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress. Recognizing the signs of burnout is crucial for preventing further harm and taking proactive […]

The Dual Nature of Anxiety

The Dual Nature of Anxiety: When It Can Be Beneficial and When It Becomes Overwhelming Anxiety, often viewed as a negative emotion, is a natural part of the human experience. It serves as a built-in alarm system, alerting us to potential threats and preparing us to respond. While anxiety is typically associated with distress and […]

Good Stress vs. Bad Stress

Navigating Stress: Understanding Good Stress vs. Bad Stress Stress is an inevitable part of life—a natural response to the demands and challenges we encounter on a daily basis. While it’s often portrayed in a negative light, not all stress is created equal. In fact, there’s a distinct difference between good stress, known as eustress, and […]